Note: If you want to use our app just for streaming your provider content, It is completely free. This pricing is just for the persons who want to use this app with his service name.
Due to a large number of rebranding requests, we have decided to provide the REBRANDING of our app to limited IPTV Providers/Resellers. So please submit your details here, we will instantly check and let you know if you are eligible for the REBRANDING of our app. And you will also receive the pricing information in you mail box.
Yes, you can pay using PayPal.
Yes, you can pay using Bitcoins and all major currencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, Dose etc. supported..
Yes buddy. It is mainly designed for big screens.
You will get your Rebranded app within 48-72 hours.
This is the direct link to download the app:
Have any other question? Mail to:
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