Note: If you want to use our app just for streaming your provider content, It is completely free. This pricing is just for the persons who want to use this app with his service name.

Warning: We don’t provide any type of streaming content. It is just a media player and play your own content which you will get from your provider. We don’t have any type of relation or affiliation with any content provider/reseller. Everything you watch is your own responsibility.

Are you looking for any special feature which is not mentioned here?

Many people look for the features like Activation Code, Special Panel API integration, Stalker Portal Integration, Default Player, Hiding anything or showing contact info in the app login page etc is also available with special request. Just contact us here for it.

Frequently asked questions

Yes buddy. It is mainly designed for big screens.

You will get your Rebranded app within 24-48 hours.

This is the direct link to download the app:

You can simply order using PAYPAL or Credit Card. 

Have any other question? Mail to:

neutro iptv player after rebranding

These option will be available on Order of a rebranding app. And the panel to control your dns/portals remotely.

order options for neutro iptv player rebranding
multidns online neutro player portal controller

Our clients say

Wow! I was lucky to get the Neutro IPTV Player too early. My customers love this app so much. Thanks Neutro Player Developers for such an amazing IPTV player.
Hilary Leigh
After Version 4.0, this IPTV Player is on fire. And the Rebranding support where they provide the rebranded app within 48 hours, really fast.
Hall Read
Super fast IPTV Player with a really easy to use UI. Love the Simplicity of it.
Quintin Angus
The developers and Rebranding support team is really awesome and they resolve REBRANDING issues in record time. Now Neutro IPTV Player is the first priority for my IPTV Customers.
Jillie Tempest